Admin Commands List


Type 1 - World & Player Control

wipeflatlands - usage: /wipeflatlands (Wipe the flatlands map. Requires manual restart after command is used.)

wiperegions - usage: /wiperegions (Wipe all WorldGuard regions for a specified world.)

wipewarps - usage: /wipewarps (Removes all Essentials warps)

wipeuserdata - usage: /wipeuserdata (Removes all essentials playerdata)

wipepunishments - usage: /wipepunishments <username | -a> (Wipes all logged punishments or punishments for a specific user.)

Type 2 - Sanction Commands

doom - usage: /doom username [reason] (Sends the specified player to their doom.)

lockup - usage: /lockup <all | purge | «partialname> on | off> [-q]> (blocks specified player’s input.)

Type 3 - Miscellaneous

rawsay - usage: /rawsay [message…] (Broadcasts the given message. Supports colors.)

fuckoff - usage: /fuckoff username <on [radius (default=25)] | off> (Repeatedly push players away from you until command is untoggled.)

cleardiscordqueue - usage: /cleardiscordqueue (Clear the discord message queue.)

manageshop - usage: /manageshop <coins: <add | set | remove> <player | all> | items: <give | take> - Aliases: ms (Manage the shop)